Heya, newcomer to this site here with questions on what to do with my team.(Started this game about....sometime before Phase 2 of Edelweiss' event started.)

Seeing every one else heres teams I have concluded that for the current event, my team is NO WAY IN HELL ready for that ultimate map.(Somehow got all Medals on the three previous Stages, I feel like Dumb luck might've played in my favor a bit) Wondering where I should go with my team from here. Also completed up to 8-4 Campaign Wise and Unsure if My team can withstand 8-5

Picture of my Current team Below

Relatively New, Seeking Advice, Where do I go from Here?-screenshot-1-.png

-Other than those shown, I have Cyani Cornflower and Every 3* and 2* unit Available to me

-Amaryllis and Helia are There still because I maxed their Affection Relatively Early and it gave them a fighting edge over the other three stars I picked up over time.

-I only Evolved Maria Because Blatant Favoritism at the time, not sure who to Evolve next.

-Because I joined the game mid event, I only got 18 Medals for Edelweiss

-All 5* and 4*s(and Maria and Marigold) save Yulan and Obviously Edelwiess and Mountain Lily have max affection. unsure who I should focus Affection on now(Gromphena and Safron Pansy are at 50% affection though)

-I tried to Balance out the team speeds, but no matter What, Maria's Squad always ends up an speed Demon in comparison to every other squad.(My Original Squad had her at 600+ Speed)

-At the point I'm at currently, where or what should I be grinding?! Exp/Seeds, Gifts, or Manyus? Any Stages 8-4 or below worth grinding? am I even a Match for Advanced Tier Dailies in my current state?

-Anyone other than the Obvious 2* units going to Suck in the Long run? if so, who should they be swapped out for? I have no Idea who are good 3* units, I just chose ones that were available to me very early.

Any form of Advice on what to do would Be VERY appreciated guys. I like this game, I don't wanna lose interest and fall behind Heavily like I did with Aigis.