Quote Originally Posted by Ammo View Post
I get not blowing stamina to 3 star missions and don't do dragons unless you're evolving, but what's up with pushing to chapter 11? I'm grinding 1-3 and farming manyus and leveling up off of it after another gathering refills. I'm level 37 at 114k. Should I push or farm?
It totally depends on yourself. I'd personally farm 1-3 or 2-1 + bonus stages until i had a fully evolved team and then push on to 12-3 and do that for eternities to come. Going to 11th area without a well evolved team is only going to stop your progress as you get more exp from doing lower level gardens. However, once your girls are evolved the gold costs will be too heavy to offset the better exp so you want to farm lvl 100 manyus to level those that have gotten to evolved 30-40.

And i have heard nothing of the 11th chapter dropping manyus 0.o