Personally, I'm kind of shocked that folks enjoy some of the other games on Nutaku more than FKG, because I keep trying the others on occasion and they all utterly pale in comparison to FKG.

Of course, I'm biased, but I appreciate that FKG feels more like a real game with 'bonus' sexy content tacked on almost as an afterthought, while so many of these other games on Nutaku feel lie just excuses for really shoddily drawn porn scenes. Hell, about half the time I skip the H-scenes (and really just max affection for the gems and stat bonuses) in favor of actually enjoying the grind in FKG. And man, some of these games that aren't FKG on Nutaku have ugly, ugly art. The fully clothed sprites in FKG are more adorable than most the H-scene artwork; by contrast, many of these other games are such odious eyesores without any personality or charm.

No accounting for taste, I guess. How else to explain why FKG almost never appears in their top ten?