Quote Originally Posted by Lantana topwaifu View Post
refreshing a gaem against your religion or somesuch?
It has nothing to do with refreshing my game...it has EVERYTHING to do with stupid people requesting support on crap raid bosses instead of ones that deliver event currency, especially now that we've been given the option to retreat and not have our one and only raid boss slot clogged up by non-event bosses. Nobody is going to waste raid points on Seedy Seeds during this event, so if you request help on one it's just going to sit for two hours unless you get some other dumbass who doesn't know what event currency is.

And I know what they're trying to do here...every time a raid boss event comes out, they take the opportunity to catch up on some other area of the game that they can't do when running the event maps takes up all their time. This part is smart...people will cover for you not generating any event bosses by sharing their own with you. But when you run those other maps and you used up all your raid points on event bosses that other people provided to you, don't bother asking for help on a low level Seedy Seed or Queen Wasp. Just retreat from those fuckers or leave them completely alone. If you're not going to clean up your lvl 3 boss, don't expect others to waste their own raid points to do it for you.