Quote Originally Posted by Zandel View Post
Chrome works 100% A-Ok if you run latest version of it and clear cache completely. I had to do that this time around but after that no issues.
Puffin can cause issues if you use it's cloud loading thing, suggest turning that off if you get frame loss in battle animations.

New 100 stam mission does not work yet same with a few others just be patient.

That girl is not Snake Gourde but Chinese Lantern, Snake Gourde has a green Scythe and no snake in her pic.

As someone with Chrome who has completely cleared the cache, I can confirm that the never-loading bug impacts Chrome under those conditions. I've had to log in via Firefox.

I also received Chinese Lantern with the 5* ticket. Not a 6* character but she's one I've wanted for some time so I'm okay with it.

I'm just so confused with everything that's changed. I feel like FKG needed to do a better job describing all the changes as so many are subtle. Where has the daily gold mission gone, and is it a bug that it's gone or is it designated to come back once the bugs are addressed? Why am I able to immediately complete all weekly challenges upon only matching the first requirement? What are all these new items supposed to do and how are they used? And, why is Chinese Lantern 'locked' after I've acquired her?