birthday specials? like free # gold on yo birthday
nvm, it's Nutaku birthday nt da user
birthday specials? like free # gold on yo birthday
nvm, it's Nutaku birthday nt da user
Nutaku: July 2016 | Flower Knight Girl: 835228859 | DMM: 646263953 飢えたハンター
Plays Flower Knight Girl, Aigis, Kamihime
Dropped Harem Heroes. Staff deleted my nice reason for not spending $.
Signature made by Myrdin
What the heck..? I just got 100 flower gems doing the 80-stam perm reprint map.
Flower Knight Commander | IGN: Ampchan | FKGID: 300316473 | Discord Name: Ampchan
Total Power: 658K | 41/52 Current Allies | Level 165 | FKG Discord Channel
They must have screwed it up again, or it's broken unless you clear the cache, 'cause I just got a second set of 100 gems in my gift box. Hmm.
I'm going to do a cache clear now and see if I lose the gems on a reload, and what it says on the perm reprint page when I go to it.
Answer: I still have the gems, and the flower gems are now marked as x1 in the perm reprint page. So I guess they fixed it but if you hadn't cleared cache you might still be bugged?
Flower Knight Commander | IGN: Ampchan | FKGID: 300316473 | Discord Name: Ampchan
Total Power: 658K | 41/52 Current Allies | Level 165 | FKG Discord Channel
The stage select screen is the only place it shows 1 gem as the reward. It's looking like incompetence might have won out over fixing beneficial bugs. Previous instances of ghost-loot were fixed by a refresh but these gems are remaining. I'd try using them if they hadn't nerfed the gacha or I didn't have more than 50 gems before.
Thank you lot - thats 100 gems I'd have missed!
EDIT - 200 both still work
Last edited by sniddy; 01-25-2019 at 02:09 AM.