Quote Originally Posted by IvanLedah21 View Post
So given the stage you're at, I'd recommend:
1) Start by using "Auto-Sort, Total Power"
2) If Lilac, Cymbidium and Waterlily aren't in Squad 1, move them there.
3) As you level your units, phase out the bronze girls, starting with Jasmine (that speed is awful)
4) If you evolve Dipladenia, move her to Team 1 (your strongest) due to her Team Speed +100 Evo ability (if your strongest team is faster than the others, you're less likely to lose weaker teams that can run around the map collecting chests/coins/seeds)
5) Until your units are higher level, you're going to have to rely on strong helper teams to clear the Ultimate event maps. For this, make sure your highest level unit gets to Evo-50+ so those helper squads aren't hindered much/at all.

@Wutan: Life Crystals never expire. The shop will restock in 8 days supposedly, which means the stuff there gets refreshed (so if you don't get X item before it restocks, you "miss out" on it forever).

but she's evolved. should i remove her ? Rosa Novelis and other Mage evolved too.
yeah i know her speed is bad