Quote Originally Posted by makinaz View Post
Bride Onci without Cherry is just blasphemy. Get your whaling in order!
RNG is RNG. Sorry to burst your bubble
I'm sure we'd ALL LOVE to be able to pick what order we get random 6*s if and when we get them, but we can't

Quote Originally Posted by Wutan View Post
A very good Debuff Squad contains: Cherry, Bride Oncidium, Dahlia, Cherry Sage and this Girl http://xn--eckq7fg8cygsa1a1je.xn--wi...83%86%E3%83%B3 According to Google Translator her Name is Sankak cactus but i doubt that's correct
I have Bride Oncidium max level and Evolved Cherry Sage last week, she's up to Evo-30ish. Do not believe I have Dahlia, KNOW I don't have Cherry or that one that hasn't been released yet. Either way, should Cherry Sage (once she's max level or close to it) oust BB in my helper squad? Loss of raw power, obviously, but more survival with the enemy attack down...

Current: BB -> Dianthus (heal on pest node + AOE) -> Bride Oncidium (enemy attack down + AOE) -> Anemone (with ampy maxed HP and Defense and being only 4 Attack ones away from maxing that, she isn't leaving helper squad, no way; also Randomx3 + Counter to clean up after the AOE attackers) -> Alpinia (speed buff helps with BB and Anemone being somewhat slow, plus HP drain is good stuff)

Potential: Dianthus -> Bride Oncidium -> Anemone -> Alpinia -> Cherry Sage

I don't know if I like the extra enemy attack down enough to give up higher power + AOE skill...