Anemone is my waifu. That should be obvious from her status as my only Ampy-maxed, Skill-Maxed girl (with the $30 dressbloom and of course, level max)

Rest of helper squad is meant to be POWER OVERWHELMING!!!
...OK, anyways, more seriously, I swapped BB for Ionocidium (team attack buff 15% and dodge instead of 35% attack for only 2 and 25% defense for 3 gives more firepower overall and survivability), she is followed by Dianthus (Team Attack Buff 15% + Pest Node heal) -> Bride Orchid (Team Attack Buff 15% + Enemy Attack -15% for extra survival in sequential battles) -> Anemone (Counter + Team Defense Buff 15% for more survival) -> Alpinia (Team Attack Buff 15% + Team Speed +150)

Skill-wise, that goes: Hit allx3 -> Random3 -> Single HP Drain
Bride Orchid's Enemy Attack Down + Anemone's Team Defense Up + Io's Dodge + Alpinia's Life Drain + Dianthus' Pest Node Heal = Serious survivability