Quote Originally Posted by kringley View Post
When a girl has the + x% Attack/Defense for n characters (including herself), is there an easy way to figure out who in the squad it will apply to other than trial and error? I am assuming that squad order is relevant but I haven't paid much attention. I just realized that Mt Lily has the 4* evolution requirements which will make her easier than usual to evolve, and I want to make sure Snapdragon (counter) gets that 20% defense boost.
It's random. For a while, I thought there was some kind of preference for buffing a girl right next to the one with that effect, but after a few tests, this turned out to be a wrong assumption as well. If there is a preference, then the "preference effect" is very small, so I doubt it's even there.

Which effectively made me remove such girls from my units and replaced most of them with those who buff the entire team instead, even if the latter usually do with a slightly lower boost. Just because it's a rather unreliable buff.
It's a great effect when the "right" girl gets the buff, but mediocre if the receiver has low stats (10% of little still ain't much) or doesn't trigger any special attacks. And I'm a bit of a condom-player.