Quote Originally Posted by HungryHunter View Post
Man, b/c of New Year event, I had so much bloom dragons and ampy beast in storage that my inventory is overfilled

[Chat Chit] Around in the FKG world-poor.png

Now, I'm poor after trying to feed excess amphies or evolving girls

Dat was a bad idea :V

Plus side is I'm finally rank 11

[Chat Chit] Around in the FKG world-rank-11.png
Toss me an invite and I'll kick you back down to 12

LOL but as for gold, I'm in the multi-millions despite using level 5 manyus on 60+ girls on occasion because... I'm not even sure lol. I don't run the Saturday daily AT ALL (haven't in 6 months or so)... unless I go on an evolving or equipment leveling super-frenzy, I'm not likely to burn through my cash anytime soon. Since you don't have to evolve girls to get scene or anything, I don't bother if I'm not going to use them (actually... that's probably why. I've evolved maybe 2 girls in the last 3 months... lack of 6* guaranteed deals keeping my money at bay here lol)