Quote Originally Posted by Distortedrealms View Post
What do you guys do when you have an ally who is strong but has not logged in for close to a month? I mean she has been with me forever and she is at 450k TP with a strong helper team but if there is no future I think I may need to drop her but I hate dropping allies unless they are dicks.
At first glance it would seem obvious to drop him. After all u propably won't need his strong helper squad and if u have an active player instead you can share ur raid bosses and maybe your helper squad can help comeone else.

But stupidly enough i feel for whatever reasons a strong loyality towards some of the people of my FL who have been there for a while. One player for example seems to have started the game the same day as i started it and thus has been in my FL from my first day until now. We've been playing almost daily and grown together so it would kinda break my heart to see how he goes inactive.
But seriously...wtf? I mean there is a guy to whom I've never spoken a single word and just because he started playing on the same day as I, I feel a strong connection towards him? That does not only sound stupid but it simply is stupid. But at the end of the day it's the way i feel.
So people i feel a connection towards have a way bigger leeway to be inactive than the others. But at some time it would feel wierd to keep them so I'd probably kick them at some point