Quote Originally Posted by Ashen View Post
Back in the day when i was still young and naive and the sky was still blue... I thought it would be a good idea to lvl a dupe of Convalaria since another 5* would surely be better than just an Equipment Slot. Obv i didn't know back then that at this point I am benching maxed 5*.
Anyway the dupe got to lvl 56 (evolved) and at first I didn't fuse her into the main one cause I still had use of her. After that I kinda coudn't bring myself to fuse her and evenually I just forgot about her^^
But now i remembered her and as I was finally going to use her as an upgrade...the following thought appeared: "but she will be getting a bloomed form! I surely won't get enough bloomed girls to fill my whole team!"
I know I'm just getting cold feet again and am back now where i started but still I just like to hear a second opinion^^

I know she isn't one of the stronger 5* but her stats are above average, she has an aoe attack and her weaker ability gets replaced in her bloomed form.
And yes ofc I know its not really that hard to lvl a Girl that far but even though it troubles me
As far as I am aware her stats are considered as one of the top 3 girls amongst other other 5* (her stats are even better than some of the 6*), so personally i wouldn't recommend fusing her for an extra equipment slot as she won't be much of a use during events/battles.