Spent 5 full stamina bars (4 flower gems) to obtain 5x Red Dragons and I'm still missing 1 to evolve Maple. Seriously I;m going crazy with the RNG. Do I really need to wait another week to build up my luck?
Spent 5 full stamina bars (4 flower gems) to obtain 5x Red Dragons and I'm still missing 1 to evolve Maple. Seriously I;m going crazy with the RNG. Do I really need to wait another week to build up my luck?
So today - not a great day - pretty terrible all in but one of them days thats been coming for weeks
Tried my luck only 16000 seeds so geeting 3 3* in a row or a silver....not that likely
But I get an ampy
Decide ok, thats a sign, lets go Apple bobbing or Ivy...heck the 6*s nice it's worth a punt
100 gems - 1st 50 a dupe gold Bipenna - so she's now 2s2e - meh
2nd 50 - that ampy means something
Not mad....at all but now 3 magic 6* - 8 total ...to be honest not a 6* I'd pick maybe blooms nicely?
Total of 8 silvers including quite a few I need an equip slot from or skill up so...yeh 100 gems well spent
Next time a pick your own comes up I have to consider a pierce
Last edited by sniddy; 03-14-2017 at 02:28 PM.
I'd argue Kale is up there as well. But Apple does quite well.
Friendlist: 49/52
DMM: 121/123
NUTAKU ID: 951148925
DMM: 067303216 (warehouse )
DMM: 432517855
Usually it's better to let the boss out to public as it will guarantee be dead most of the time.