Quote Originally Posted by ZeroZet View Post
Or, y'know' just farm all required gems in-game. For free. Shockingly cheap, isn't it?
And that's why this game isn't really pay2win but pay4convenience. Only rich people will pay aiming to roll 6*. Casuals may pay hoping for a 6*. Shockingly cheap? I have my doubts. Depends how you look at it; time is money. Especially since after you complete most of the maps, you instantly net over 100 gem depending how fast you complete the campaign & single time rewards. After that, however, you slowly get some for new events and attendance; maybe only 20 or so a month (compared to like 100 in about a week when you barely start off). But of course if you know more ways to 'farm' gems... like say 1000 of them (which average a single 6*) in a month or two, please do tell. I don't see the 'farm' aspect of it once the farm in the beginning has been harvested once.