Quote Originally Posted by maotd View Post
St Paulia is just the best 4* imho. At least, Total Power wise. Mine is lvl60 (with a few HP ampies) and she is better than most of my lvl70 5*.
Since the first day she is one of my best units, despite she don't have a reliable ability.
IDK, she has a lot of health but attack and defense aren't much to write home about and she's quite slow.
For example I'm comparing her to Holly - very similar maxed HP and attack, Holly has much higher defense, a much better attack skill with higher proc rate, and much better abilities, much higher speed, and is likely to be fully equipped because event girl.
Game is easy enough, if you really like her then go for it but I just think health heavy units tend to have TP numbers that overemphasize their usefulness (which is why I don't think TP is a super useful stat to go by).