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  1. FKG
  2. Flower Knight Girl Integration

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  1. #1
    Welp, i hope they do another batch of snowflake before rotating. I need someone to use those slice manyus, and i wasn't gonna stay up until 4 AM here in europe, specially while having university final exams. =.=

    Anyway, pretty messy campaing, both from nutaku and mmosite. The first ones for not informing properly, nor implementing an interface if they didn't want people hoarding and claming more than 1 ticket, if they really did it for new players, and the latter one for not dispatcing keys at different hours, as any other reasonable web/service does when there is limited access/keys involved and is a rule of thumb...which they are clearly not following.

  2. #2
    I'm on the same boat about Snowflake as my inventory is bursting with slice manyus and dragons right now...

    I was refreshing the page like crazy on Saturday during the usual time to get a code but I had no luck, and yesterday I couldn't stay online during it.

    Current: Kamihime - ID:24044 - Rank 99 (Overall ATK - Fire: 46923 Eidolons: Adramelech/St Nichol/Mastema/Jack/Tiamat/Quetza), , ソウル戦記 - (Overall: 504,002), TA:BA - (Pre-reg Yukikaze) ID: 1195816, DMM IWZ - DF Performance: 2,302,174 - つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
    Old or on halt: LoV - fromelette (lvl 56), QoV - fromelette lvl 42, Pero - ID: 1195816 (SED: 1,170,698), Idol Wars Z: http://api-x.idolwars-nutaku.dmmgame...ata/index/8220 (link only works when logged in game) - DF Performance: 1,546,834 (1,899,968 with last gacha) - HBC US aka Megu Wars / FKGirl, FKG - fromageomelette ID: 358241593 - lvl 124 (Helper: PWR 120844 / SPD 594)

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Aug 2015
    I don't think there's any more. If they had extra codes they would've released them when they were already on that character.

  4. #4
    not a fan of reviving old topics but to kinda close this one, mmosite in his 11th anniversary thing removed the FKG giveaway from the list, which means no more codes, so if someone was waiting for a code, sadly there are no more
    Shade on KH, fire main.

    Wind Rag farming team:

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