I agree too. (I'm a free player). In the end, it's not going to be much of a difference between any kind of player type. Even if future event girls seem purposely weaker (things like +7% atk up instead of 10 like orchid), the lvl 5 skill and 4 equips can probaby offset that weaknesses, potencially making getting 5* from gatcha pretty worthless.

So in the end, about expending in gatcha, i would go with a "collector" approach rather than a power gameing one. Just try to get the unit you want for whatever reason like cool art, sexual fetishs, relaxing voice, whatever, be it hoarding or directly buying. And just be happy if you get her, or groan in pain wasting 105 gems in a 5* just to be bashfully rejected. ;_;

Of course, there's also the option of power gaming by getting 20 6*, but i would rather buy me a house with such a high investment.