Games like this can be a maturity check. Do you want the very best (like no one ever was) handed to you right away, or can you be content with the cards you get dealt, no matter how bad they are? We can't all pull an Ikki and have 2 rainbows in 1 pull.

RNG can be infuriating at times, no doubt about it, but the difficulty of this game is REALLY lenient. You can clear everything (eventually) with mediocre girls and mediocre teams. Worst case scenario you have to play the map again or wait a couple of weeks/months to make another 10+1 pull, probably still fail pulling the girl you really wanted (Camellia why do you hate me ;_; ). I've been pretty salty at times, have bad luck (2x 5* in 7 pulls) but at the end of the day, I'm pretty content with the team I have and how it's developping. 3*'d every map in the game too!