Quote Originally Posted by Tenhou View Post
I imagine OI is less popular because of the insanely annoying gacha system, the fact that the gameplay becomes repetitive but HAS to be done over and over during events and take eons to complete. All in all, OI players get very little leeway and horribly few freebies. FKG is rather slow which allows a lot of players to just do as they want and then do something else for a lot of hours. Heck, autorun makes things wonderful...

But i'm just speculating as those are the reasons i quit and i know many others quit due to the time it takes and the gacha that makes you want to kill a puppy.

Regarding Aigis, have you disabled hardware acceleration? It's one of the main things that make Aigis lag if it's turned on so make sure it's off. Also from my experience works best in Opera/Chrome.
Oh what do you know, that actually worked! Thanks

I'm a super casual OI player so maybe that's why I don't mind. I just log on once in a while to spend 90 stamina or attempt the danger zone. I agree you need plenty of time and the blessing of RNG-sama to get the top ranks so I only go for the event bosses and low tier reward mons.