Quote Originally Posted by IvanLedah21 View Post
Is there no way to know when they're going to spring this on us? I used a gem, hit a level up and then, not even halfway through my stamina, "Oh sorry we're doing maintenance"
WTF??? This isn't 2 AM this is 7:30 AM where I log on to do some missions before I go to work (and I can't be the ONLY one who does this)

Oh look, a bar just popped up AFTER Maintenance started saying they're doing a short maintenance. It was NOT there (for me at least) before it started
You must've been logged in for at least two hours before maintenance then, or have browser cache problems, since they did change that scrolling message about two hours before the maintenance. I almost missed it myself the first time because I thought it was just that "zomg new autorun feature" message again.

Would be convenient if those messages did NOT re-appear on every log in, and if those messages were on the "news tab" as well. Would be even more convenient if the page showed servertime somewhere as well, since I'm in a different timezone and don't known nor give a flying fuck what timezone "EST" is, and have no wish to look it up and then calculate what time it would be in my timezone.