Camelia is good alright. I have her, and I am glad I have her. Not the best, but faaaar from the worst.
Overall you got a pretty good start. Having 2 5*stars from the get go is a Miracle for someone who just started.

Its best to prioritize the girls according to rarity when deciding whom to level up. Make sure your two 5* get all the attention until they hit at lesat level 40-50 (you will most likely lack the gold to evolve them for some time but that doesnt matter that much for now). After that do the same with the rest of your main party.
Evolve the other parties accordingly to need. Eventually you will need to strengthen them to clear mission as they get harder and harder. But always focus on one group at a time, as you will get more better girls eventually (5* from events) and they will start to replace your weaker units.