Missing Girls List:
Bush Clover
Jersey Cudweed
2nd Affection Scenes:
Suzuki Grass
Apricot (Xmas)
Last edited by Taon; 04-01-2018 at 02:03 PM.
Acanthus (Bloomed) is up.
On my end I see only one Waterlily Bloomed video (the Corintis uploaded one if to go by info).
I don't see Acanthus Bloomed one either (didn't try to check any logs).
I uploaded a duplicate copy earlier; you don't see either of them? Just verified that both are still there.
Update: Interestingly, if I right click either video and select "Share" I get an error message stating that the item may violate the ToS. This might be related to the problems we've been experiencing.
Last edited by Taon; 03-29-2018 at 01:50 AM.
I can confirm that I don't see either of them and see that the log shows they've both been uploaded.
I can also confirm that the Waterlily video that is viewable is "Sharable," while the hidden one is also having issues with, "Violating Terms of Service." After reading through the text, it sounds like the videos are getting auto-scanned with something similar to YouTube's copyright detector and automatically blocking views on certain videos.
If that's the case, I've got no idea why my dupe video passes, while the other one doesn't. Like, did just adding the number, "1" do it, or wtf?
Good catch there, Taon!
Tried renaming the file on my end with the same format you used with Waterlily: Acanthus (Bloomed)1. It's up now; let's see if this works.
If you can't see the file, try the direct link.
Last edited by Taon; 03-29-2018 at 07:14 AM.