Hello and welcome to you

I personnaly use OBS as recommended by Corintis (you can take a look at the first post).

You can also find some explanation on this post :
Quote Originally Posted by moarsi View Post
Let me see if I can explain OBS real quick. I gotta leave for work soon so I'll rush this a bit. First, download and install it. Open it up, and you'll get something like this.

Next up, click the plus in the source tab on the bottom, and add a window capture. It'll pop up something that says "Create/select source". Just leave it at "Create New" and hit OK. Now it'll bring up a "Properties for 'Window Capture'" up.

In the window section, make sure you select whatever browser window it is you will be playing FKG on. Also, untick the box that says "Capture Cursor", or it'll track your cursor while you record. Once that is done, hit OK and you're almost ready to record. Last step I personally did through trial and error, I don't know if there is a better way to do this. Now you need to set the proper dimensions for the window. On the top menu bar, click "Edit", then "Transform", and finally "Edit Transform".

From here you need to mess around with the crop numbers until you have cropped the FKG window. And that's it really. Then when you want to record, hit up the "Start Recording" button on the bottom right and when it's done hit "Stop Recording".