I might soon join the all-Rainbow helper squad, once Sakura gets leveled. That would require dropping Toad Lily out of helper squad though, which reduces survivability in pest-heavy maps. What do you think? Already have her with Black Baccara, Fritillaria, Anemone and Flowering Peach which is pretty OP as it is (BB and Frit are AoE nukers, Anemone can hit 3 enemies or if there are fewer, same enemy multiple times, and FP at the end to kill anyone still alive lol; Toad Lily is also AoE but weaker obviously)

So Option 1: BB -> Frit -> TL -> Anemone -> FP (current) or
Option 2: BB -> Frit -> Anemone -> FP -> Sakura (more power, less survival on pest-heavy maps)