Quote Originally Posted by IvanLedah21 View Post
On a serious note, Discoceris, I think you are overestimating the "scraping and struggling" idea. As you said, a lot of event maps, you either are going to clear them with your current team or you're not. If you give it a shot and get wrecked, banging your head against the wall is obviously futile, so go farm, level and come back a week later. Since events run every 2 weeks, no point wasting stamina on failed runs when you can take a week to power up and come back and get a respectable 2 slot, 3 skill event unit. There is very rarely a point where a few extra levels from a few hours of farming is going to let you clear a map you failed, so taking a couple days to level up and then come back for revenge is much more preferable.
I have three accounts. My main, of course, will 3-medal every event map. The middle one can clear (but not complete) every event map with my main's helper team. The lowest (I started it at the beginning of this event) can clear but not complete every map except the last one...there is just too much for my main's helper team to overcome since it's reduced to lvl 50. What I have been able to do with both of my other accounts during the course of the event, though, is to gain a medal here and there over what I was able to do the first time...some maps I could only clear the first time are now completed and some that had only one medal now have two. Many of those maps relied on a lot of luck in addition to needing more 'oomph' in my main teams, so if I hadn't 'banged my head against the wall' after minor improvements and team rearrangements, I wouldn't be able to wait till today and still get the same amount of medals. After all, these lower accounts have a lot less stamina per day with which to work.

A veteran can tell when it's a matter of unit strength, when it's just figuring out a better way to tackle the map that your facerolling main account doesn't need, and when you've got the whole thing decoded and you just need a bit of better luck. So yeah, throwing a ton of stamina at the event has gotten a brand new account (that has significant help from a lvl 111 account) 18 medals. Not outstanding, but still a lot better than the 'not enough medals to get the girl at all' I got on my second account's first event. It should be noted that truly new players, though, won't have all the advantages they need to do it like this...and maybe that's the whole point.