Quote Originally Posted by IvanLedah21 View Post
Tough call, depends.
Do you ONLY need/want to focus on Red/Blue or Purple/Yellow? Feel free to smash up the dailies, but be prepared to receive quite a few of the level 5s mixed in and not so many level 100s.
Do you want a mix and completely exclude the level 5s? Advanced SG will drop 3-4 that are level 20 or 100, no level 5s, any color. What makes it trickier is the SG spawn isn't guaranteed, and the drop rate on the 100s isn't guaranteed (though it is quite high, especially compared to the dailies), so you can end up "wasting" stamina if manyus are your #1 priority (if you are making good use of the XP from 12-3/12-5/13 and don't mind the 2*s to sell and occasional ampy, then going for SGs is likely much better)
cant do 12-3 yet, actually havent tried, but i am quite sure i wont be able to, total power is 120k only