Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
So how good is Anemone as a unit? Does a potential 5.4x attack on one enemy from her skill make her gamebreaking enough to justify paying for her?
Anemone is awesome, I picked her the previous time around, and her skill is great because unlike, say, Fritillaria or BB it doesn't "lose power" when there are fewer enemies while still being able to hit multiple enemies (albeit at random which CAN be annoying sometimes), her buff to defense after Evolution improves her base ability (and makes your team harder to kill), and that base ability is freaking awesome. Counterattack EVERY time she gets hit (including by AoE hits), I've seen a lot of enemies, bosses included, kill themselves by hitting her when their HP was low and she doesn't get to attack because the counter killed them lol. I love her design and personality too, it's why she gets all my ampys

Now whether the above justifies paying $50 for her + 11 roll is up to you. She's a sweet knight to have, but is she NECESSARY? Not. At. All.