Quote Originally Posted by Drayvhen View Post
At least its not a pvp game where the best unit are only available with these kind of gacha (im looking at you Dragon Tactics Memories (RIP))
Ah, poor DT:M and the lovely Diske. The 'everyone must pay to be competitive' thing is what killed that game...people weren't convinced to start paying, they were convinced to stop playing. A game that guild-intense can't survive on whales alone. I was alone in my guild for 80% of the game's life, and the odd thing was that I was still able to defeat a lot of the other guilds because they were solo-actives as well.

It's a shame...in my opinion DT:M had the best artwork of any Nutaku game. FKG comes close, but there are a couple of artists who don't do their H-scenes to the same level as the best ones.