Quote Originally Posted by wesolegends View Post
SO in my previous post i got a collective boner other this gacha, but every time i got to buy gold, I hesitate. Can i have your opinons on this. Is 6000 NG to get Cactus worth or no worth
15% Attack Up all squad members
30% Shine Crystal (for Solar Blast) drop rate Up

Skill deals 3.5x attack to a single enemy.

Up to you. I personally am a collector (not hardcore to the point where I'll spend thousands of dollars to get every rainbow, but whale enough to spend a hundred every month plus guaranteed 6* deals) so I'm going to go for it. The first ability is great, Evo not so much, skill is OK (more a fan of multi-target but oh well) but the Speed (695!) is great for a 6* (a lot of them have 450-550 speed, Alpinia being a clear exception especially with her Evo ability). If you're not a whale, I'd hold off and wait for the 10+1+ticket deals, since those are slightly cheaper (5k) and while you're not guaranteed a gold to go with the rainbow, the odds aren't too bad and you get more knights out of it total (though if you're loaded on 3*s that might not be appealing lol)