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Thread: Team Tactics

  1. FKG
  2. Flower Knight Girl Integration

  1. #101

    Join Date
    Nov 2016
    Below are the 5* units i have at the moment

    For my helper squad i mostly used my favorite waifu candidates^^ ( something like choco, japanese iris, gardenia, night phlox and strawberry candle)
    Would be curious to hear which helper squad u'd choose for near future (my maxed units and nearly maxed units) and in general.

    At the moment my team is just sorted in a way that the squads have kinda the same speed.
    If I'd have to choose a team comp of all my units it would be probably something like this

    1) pest control squad. Strawberry hasn't a special meaning here - simply wanted to have her in the team but i'd rather have units with solar dmg in 2) since her crystal drop rate works as well for the other team even if she isn't in the specific squad
    2) solar blast squad
    3) not sure here. the idea is a evasion squad but i wasn't sure for the last two spots so I simply put the counter girls there
    4) attack buff squad. Night Phlox is here instead of 2) since she has an attack buff as well as a skill with life steal which harmonizes with attack buffs

    Not sure though if the benched knights are the ones who should be benched

    (oh and yea i have convallaria twice since she was my first dupe and I thought back then it would be smarter to level her :P)
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Team Tactics-knights-1.png   Team Tactics-knights-2.png   Team Tactics-set-.png  
    Last edited by Ashen; 12-12-2016 at 06:14 PM.

  2. #102

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    Quote Originally Posted by Ashen View Post
    Below are the 5* units i have at the moment

    For my helper squad i mostly used my favorite waifu candidates^^ ( something like choco, japanese iris, gardenia, night phlox and strawberry candle)
    Would be curious to hear which helper squad u'd choose for near futute (my maxed units and nearly maxed units) and in general.

    At the moment my team is just sorted in a way that the squads have kinda the same speed.
    If I'd have to choose a team comp of all my units it would be probably something like this

    1) pest control squad. Strawberry hasn't a special meaning here - simply wanted to have her in the team but i'd rather have units with solar dmg in 2) since her crystal drop rate works as well for the other team even if she isn't in the specific squad
    2) solar blast squad
    3) not sure here. the idea is a evasion squad but i wasn't sure for the last two spots so I simply put the counter girls there
    4) attack buff squad. Night Phlox is here instead of 2) since she has an attack buff as well as a skill with life steal which harmonizes with attack buffs

    Not sure though if the benched knights are the ones who should be benched

    (oh and yea i have convallaria twice since she was my first dupe and I thought back then it would be smarter to level her :P)
    Speedy (like 700-800 MS) "pest control" teams should be useful for the allies who farm 12-? maps...

    You could swap Strawberry Candle (unless... waifu) with Leucocoryne for more healing power in S1 (I have Primrose and Edelweiss, both with heal passives, on a 779 MS team which blazes through 12-5 ahead of other squads except Drip's 887 MS and usually reaches the 12-5 boss at near-full health at least, even if I lack any of Toad Lily/Japanese Iris/Apple of Sodom).

    For the blast squad, work on Moonvine to replace Calla. Moon has better stats (albeit by a little), comes with skill activation boost, and her blast bonus is 5% higher. She's also fast at 670, if you like it fast (and to balance speed because of Lavender who's a slowpoke).

    Mountain Lily is a Turn 1 girl like Epidendrum and has extra DEF buffing, so she looks better in S3 while Monotropastrum goes to S4 (attack buff team). Night Phlox should do just fine in that same team.

    I just noticed Southern Cross (useful in S3/counter squad because of DEF buff), and Lantana (sadly, chocolate node abilities don't stack).
    Last edited by Raine; 12-12-2016 at 07:27 PM.
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  3. #103

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    Quote Originally Posted by Roentgen View Post
    Speedy (like 700-800 MS) "pest control" teams should be useful for the allies who farm 12-? maps...

    You could swap Strawberry Candle (unless... waifu) with Leucocoryne for more healing power in S1 (I have Primrose and Edelweiss, both with heal passives, on a 779 MS team which blazes through 12-5 ahead of other squads except Drip's 887 MS and usually reaches the 12-5 boss at near-full health at least, even if I lack any of Toad Lily/Japanese Iris/Apple of Sodom).

    For the blast squad, work on Moonvine to replace Calla. Moon has better stats (albeit by a little), comes with skill activation boost, and her blast bonus is 5% higher. She's also fast at 670, if you like it fast (and to balance speed because of Lavender who's a slowpoke).

    Mountain Lily is a Turn 1 girl like Epidendrum and has extra DEF buffing, so she looks better in S3 while Monotropastrum goes to S4 (attack buff team). Night Phlox should do just fine in that same team.

    I just noticed Southern Cross (useful in S3/counter squad because of DEF buff), and Lantana (sadly, chocolate node abilities don't stack).
    Didn't thought about Mountain Lily and Epidendrum befroe so i like the idea. Same goes for replacing Calla with Moon since im not much of a Calla fan.
    I'm just not sure about switching Leuco out of the solar blast team since her 10% attack buf for each solar blast seems too good there. And i also could get the extra heal from robinia for the pest control squad

    My ID: 010059882
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  4. #104

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    Quote Originally Posted by Ashen View Post
    Didn't thought about Mountain Lily and Epidendrum befroe so i like the idea. Same goes for replacing Calla with Moon since im not much of a Calla fan.
    I'm just not sure about switching Leuco out of the solar blast team since her 10% attack buf for each solar blast seems too good there. And i also could get the extra heal from robinia for the pest control squad
    For Leucocoryne, it doesn't matter if solar blasts are made during the battle of another squad. So if you put her on team 1, and you fire a solar blast during a team 2 battle, she still gets her +10% ATK, which persists until the map is finished.

    On the other hand, Strawberry Candles' Shine Crystal drop bonus only affects the team she's in, so the Solar Blast team would benefit from her, and on longer boss fights for that team, you might even be able to squeeze a second solar blast within the same fight. In which case you'd get 2 powerful solar blasts, and Leucocoryne still gets +20% ATK, even if she's on another team.

    Chocolate Cosmos and Strawberry candle sadly bite eachother though. On some maps with very few empty nodes, they end up overwriting eachothers' node, so you could end up with 2 chocolate nodes and only 1 solar node, or the other way round, even though the description says they'll spawn 2-3 nodes each.
    I noticed this on the 80 stamina SG, which has 4 empty nodes, but sometimes only 3 are used when you have both girls, which implies that one or more nodes of one type got overwritten by nodes of the other type.

  5. #105

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    Quote Originally Posted by Drip View Post
    For Leucocoryne, it doesn't matter if solar blasts are made during the battle of another squad. So if you put her on team 1, and you fire a solar blast during a team 2 battle, she still gets her +10% ATK, which persists until the map is finished.

    On the other hand, Strawberry Candles' Shine Crystal drop bonus only affects the team she's in, so the Solar Blast team would benefit from her, and on longer boss fights for that team, you might even be able to squeeze a second solar blast within the same fight. In which case you'd get 2 powerful solar blasts, and Leucocoryne still gets +20% ATK, even if she's on another team.

    Chocolate Cosmos and Strawberry candle sadly bite eachother though. On some maps with very few empty nodes, they end up overwriting eachothers' node, so you could end up with 2 chocolate nodes and only 1 solar node, or the other way round, even though the description says they'll spawn 2-3 nodes each.
    I noticed this on the 80 stamina SG, which has 4 empty nodes, but sometimes only 3 are used when you have both girls, which implies that one or more nodes of one type got overwritten by nodes of the other type.
    oh ty, that's really good to know =)

    My ID: 010059882
    IGN: AshenOne

  6. #106
    Quote Originally Posted by Roentgen View Post
    Speedy (like 700-800 MS) "pest control" teams should be useful for the allies who farm 12-? maps...

    You could swap Strawberry Candle (unless... waifu) with Leucocoryne for more healing power in S1 (I have Primrose and Edelweiss, both with heal passives, on a 779 MS team which blazes through 12-5 ahead of other squads except Drip's 887 MS and usually reaches the 12-5 boss at near-full health at least, even if I lack any of Toad Lily/Japanese Iris/Apple of Sodom).
    You should see the dedicated speed farming team I have... Orchid (5*) (+100), Alpinia (+150), Dipladenia (+100), Anthurium (+100) and Edelweiss (+50 with Pest Node heal)... yeesh that's some crazy speed (clocking in at almost 1200)

  7. #107
    Team Tactics-screenshot-458-.png

    Hi fellow FKG players .
    As you can figure out by the thumbnail attached ( I don't know if i even attached the file properly coz the only reason i accidentally came into this site is because of this game ) that i'm a fairly new player . Playing this game for 3 days to be exact for a specific reason and kind of enjoying the game as a whole .
    And i want to be better at this game . Right now , i'm playing this game blindly . With no planning when making my squad ( actually i'm not even setting my own squads , its all on auto ). I realised this for some time so i thought to get some advice from the fellow players themselves . I am guessing that i am doing even some of the basics wrong . So i have some questions and i will be pleased to get some response.

    1. So, how do i set a good unit ?
    2. What factors come into play when making a decent squad ?
    3. Does the 'Speed' really matter ?
    4. I heard about some 'Pests -squad' or some type of shit . What are those ?
    5. Is there any strategy to perform better at Campaign ?

    Thank you
    Last edited by animefan27; 12-13-2016 at 02:32 PM.

  8. #108

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    Well. It's a pretty unbalanced squad. If I can give you an advice, use teams with almost the same total power. Eve if it's not really revelent of the true power of a team, it can give you an idea. Espacially at the begining.
    Here, your first team is pretty good with 2 5* and 3 4* but your fourth team is really weak. During a mission the first team can easilly rush through the stage and reach the end but teams 3 and 4 will certainly die quikly and don't make their job. It's annoying if you whant 3 medals on a stage.

    About your questions:
    1: at low level, just use your best girls and try to make teams with almost the same speed/total power. At higher level, when you will have enough girls, try to teams them according to their abilities and roles. For example, Toad Lily have ad attack boost (+12% attack for herself and 3 allies when she is evolved). She fit well in a high damage team. Yulan and Di Yu are better for defensive teams.
    And don't forget your allies. Try to find somes with higher level and really good teams. A powerful ally is often really helpful.

    2: Like I said in 1, abilities are certainly the most important (at least, it is for me). Skill and skill rate are also important for skill spam or high damage team. And the stats but it's obvious I think.
    But the most important for me is the synergy between the member of a team. A good team is not a team with the highest total power but a team where girls' skills and abilities work well together. Give equipment to your girls also improve her stats. so, 5* event girls with multiple equipement slots are good.

    3: All the speeds are important. For most of missions you need teams with almost the same speed. But for somes (espacially in event missions), you will need teams with really high speed and teams with really low speed.
    Try to get the 5* Oncidium. Her evolved form give you a +100 speed bonus for the team. It's really helpful.
    Also, try to get 4* Lilac. She ignore spider web and wirlwind nodes that change your speed.

    4: Idk

    5: All I say previously. Also, there is some threads here to learn how to play efficiently like how you should use manyu or how you should optimisethe use of stamina and level up.

    ID: 481766521 (DMM)
    Name: maotd
    Good old memories
    10+1 roll in a nutshell

  9. #109
    Can you expand a bit on the 'synergy' part ? How does the girl's skills and abilities work well together ?

  10. #110

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    Many girls have the same abilities or close abilities. If you put them in the same team, it will be more efficient.
    For example, girls like Convalaria, German Iris or Gerbera have a bonus to solar blast damage. If you make a team with her, you willget a solar blast bonus of 65% (if I'm not wrong). Add girls like Bipinna Cosmos and Strawberry Candle who have a shine crystal drop bonus and you get a team with a really strong Solar Blast they can use more frequently.
    Take girls like Rose, Snapdragon and Anemone. They all have a counterattack ability based on their defence. Add girls with defense bonus and you will get a good counterattack team.

    For skills, it's the same thing. Pair girls like Convalaria or Toad Lily with a 3 target skill and pair them with Cyrtanthus and Justicia (who have a x1.2 skill rate bonus based on affection for the whole team) and you will have a nice skill-spam team with good multiple-target skill. As (th girl you can add one like Iris to get even more damage bonus (Toad Lily and Justicia already have one).

    After that, you also need tomake teams with what you have. If you don't have any counterattack girl, don't even try to make a counter team.

    Another example, based on your team, your Bride Cactace will work very well with a girl like Anthurium with her +22% damage on &st turn. Since Bride Cactace already give a skill rate bonus.
    Another one, the current reissue Girl, Moonvine will give you a x1.2 skill rate bonus on the 3rd turn. The next reissue girl, Tachibana do the same thing on her evolved form. And the next next reissue girl is Star Lily with her +15% damage on 3rd turn. These three vork wery well?

    That almost what I mean when I spoke about synergy between girls. And it's also almost the main topic of this thread ^^. You certainly can found a lot of ideas in it. But it mainly for slightly more advanced players with more girls. For a beginer, already try to do with what you have and good luck for gacha ^^.

    ID: 481766521 (DMM)
    Name: maotd
    Good old memories
    10+1 roll in a nutshell

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