Quote Originally Posted by Drip View Post
I replaced her with Justica just last week, but if I hadn't pulled Justica, I'd still be using her. And if I could set up a fifth squad for my units, she'd be the first one to add to it, before several rainbows I currently have benched.

Trigger rate for the whole team is a very strong passive, especially when you combine several girls with that (or similar team-wide) passives. Moonvine, Tachibana and Geranium (all three are event girls!) make for a pretty decent start of a trigger team. Add Cymbidium or Fritillaria (maybe Gerbera as a placeholder, if you like her) when you get them. Once you get more girls increasing trigger rate for the entire team (like Apple or Justica), then you can start replacing them in the order Moonvine - Tachibana - Geranium.

The only reason I picked Justica over Geranium, is that Justica's special is an AO, while Geraniums' special is a single target attack.
Placing three regular trigger-girls (1.2 increase to trigger rate) and Cymbidium in the same squad, results in girls who have a trigger rate of 30% (just level up their skill a few times with blooms) to practically ALWAYS do their special attack on the first turn. Even event bosses (non-raid) rarely survive that first turn.
I think you can make a case that in certain situations, you may do better with a girl with a strong attack all skill rather than piling on another trigger girl particularly if it's Geranium or Cyrtanthus as they have single target 2.2-2.3 damage skills. The differences aren't enormous, and may be unimportant if you wipe out all pests in one round anyways.
I need to start levelling up Cymbidium soon just to see what I can do with her. In my regular squads though she'd need to be on the same team as Alpinia to have much chance of keeping up.