We're past the six month period of FKG, and this is the only Nutaku game (out of the ones I've played) that actually looks like it's steadily improved. Constant event schedule, several features earlier than expected, some features DMM doesn't even have, and currently coming up, revivals and switching event order to make it fit the season.

It's in good shape right now. I'd rather not jinx it into saying that it'll go the Aigis/Kanpani route, but it doesn't look that way at all.

The main complaints don't involve a lack of content, but the priority in getting the side content or fixing the more minor details. Like how we're lacking in story/character quests, or how launch girls still use the names nobody likes (Orchid vs Oncidium), or how a bunch of h-scenes still randomly switched to third-person, etc. But all that probably stems from a lack of manpower. Hopefully they get around to fixing those in the future, but things will likely get busier from here on out.