The tutorial, as in many other games, is automatic, and it finishes with a H-scene. You probably did it when you first played.

About the requirements asked in IWZ for rewards in FKG, they are really low. Just create or apply to a production (basically a guild), and play at the designed time. At that time a pop-up (n case you haven't noticed, this game has lots of pop-ups) will appear in the main screen with a big "PARTICIPTE" on it. It will carry you to a DF screen with another "PARTICIPATE" on it. Click it, and you are officially participating on a Dream Fest, even if you score no points.

At 2 fests a day, it takes from 4 to 7+ days to complete the requirements for both 5* tickets. Only 2 for the first. In terms of playing time, just logging in and clicking 2 screens.

About the combo for the 4* ticket, you just need to be in a production with at least another person. A combo is created when you act (In the dream fest battle, there is a big pink ACT button, you can't miss it.) after another player has acted, so you cannot combo by yourself. As long as you alternate with said player at least three times, it's done as combo is global to the team. So, A-B-A-B-A-B brings combo up to 6 and both A and B would complete the requirement.

And don't worry, you have 5 minutes after each act, and more than enough points to act lots and lots of times. So it's almost impossible not to get to a 5 combo between 2 players unless one of them doesn't want to, of course.

Btw, IWZ is not actually complex to navigate, it's just that so many pop ups, specially at the beggining throws a lot of people off. As a tip, you have a menu at the top right with almost all the options in the game. And then there is, in the bottom left a button with "other campaings". I think, that with those 2 buttons, you can acces 100% of the game screens. Specially the top right one.