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  1. #11

    Join Date
    May 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by Aidoru View Post
    And in the end, the problem is mostly because I don't intake the phrase the same way as you. You seem to take it in a literal sense, especially the "win" part. For me, win isn't just some kind of competition in some PvP themed game or some leader board , it's moving far ahead of other players, being able to reach the end game and often with a lot less effort because you can't win MMOs in the first place and yet many are P2W.
    Ignoring how wrong this sentiment is, what MMOs have you been playing for it to not have a win condition that P2W can't capitalize on? Maybe the purely cosmetic ones like TERA wouldn't count, but just about anything else with a PVP aspect has some form of gacha and/or P2W system that completely invalidates your statement. Of course there's P2W when a paying player can completely outclass a free player in direct competition, regardless of skill.

    But like Rupturez and everyone else here says, there is no direct competition, no race to win in FKG.

    Quote Originally Posted by Rupturez View Post
    Seems there has been a lot of shitstorm in this thread while I was sleep.

    I'll just throw in my two cents.

    -While I understand your sentiment of saying that this game is p2w because Nutaku fking gem starves their free players so incredibly bad to the point we are blowing 700 stamina on a reissue just to get 1 gem, no this game is not pay to win. There is nothing to win.

    -Someone stated that the people unhappy with this ticket are ungrateful and spoiled and wish for this to never happen again. Well you're right. I would have rather that this shit did not happen, and I am spoiled and ungrateful. First thing I notice though is that all these players saying this got either a new gold or rainbow while claiming "a dupe gold would have been good as well." Well nice fucking saint shit going there, but I'm not like that. If it was a guaranteed 5* for everyone or 6* for everyone, I would be thrilled. I would be glad to recieve a christmas present like that even if I pull a dupe out of it. But if you make an unleveled playing field in such a simple thing as a christmas present, how can I possibly be thrilled? You can't even begin to imagine what RNG luck I've dealt with in this game since release and now I get even MORE rng in my present.
    Gem starving is what Aigis does, really. Well, crystal starving. But Nutaku FKG, while not ideal, does at least give out enough FGs for an 11-roll every 1.5 months on average. That's not the terrible part. Getting nothing but bronze/silver after that 1.5 month wait is what's terrible. But it's still better than Aigis giving out 2-4 rolls' worth of SCs a month on average, and contending with that 50% silver rate there as well. And again, it's paid off to have an FG stockpile for those guaranteed gold deals, or the Bridal Oncidium deal.

    Aye, I said that you people were ungrateful. But at least you admit it. Hell, I should be pissed about my roll as well, seeing as I got the same rainbow I paid for, TWICE (Sakura). But I'm not, because I already got lucky with my 11-roll earlier, and I could've done worse than a dupe rainbow of a girl I like. And I can at least be happy for anyone else who lucked out with a rainbow they like.

    Unless it's Daisy. Daisy belongs to me, dammit.
    Last edited by Eab1990; 12-24-2016 at 02:08 AM.

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