Quote Originally Posted by IvanLedah21 View Post
This new deal is a step in the right direction, but that's after a couple of very wrong steps (they actually ticked off a lot of established whales, and only a handful actually went for the last few, at least among those on Discord). $50-60 has historically been the established price for guaranteed 6*s ($30ish for 5*), but the last couple deals have been gold-centric at prices on par with rainbows or worse. Their greed probably kicked them in the rear hard enough for them to spit out a deal like this (given the deals since BF's insanely good one, I doubt their holiday sales totals were where they somehow expected), but I'm not getting my hopes up for continued good deals. Time will tell, I suppose.

That said, your first sentence is truth. Freemium gaming survives on PFC, because even with costs being low compared to many companies (salaries, rent, equipment, etc. but no cost for materials for manufacturing, for example) it's obviously unsustainable if you don't get SOME gamers to pay.
Sorry, with all due respect, you have no idea what you are talking about. Everything they did was STRATEGY.

If 6*s always costs $10 every single event, and suddenly they have one that costs $45, people are going to complain that it's a horrible deal, etc.

They have to have those other deals, so that when these deals come, people are more likely to want to pay for them, because, psychology.