Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Considering that FKG is one of the oldest games here I am not surprised. Slacking off or not, there are games like Kaihime,Asagi,Sacred Sword, Fap CEO and newer ones that are taking over. Kaihime has the animations already baked in and Asagi has connections to the anime and other H games so they have more star power.

Losing the Nae powerup is annoying but I will live without it and the loss of scenes from missions doesn't phase me since I have long since gotten
bored with 'Intro all the characters, some swoon over KC, Pest attack! Defeat pests with power of friendship!' and just get to grinding gems to feed my gacha addiction

Plus isn't it ironic or something that the loudest complaining is over free stuff? We have only lost time(Unless you did drop cash) in the long run.
time lost is a thing though. you do know your life is, well, fucking limited time wise, right? hell, amount all the time spent here, i could've met the girl of my dream and got avril lavigne naked and on pcp, but no, i chased 2d loli waifus. if they up and closed fkg, like, hey peeps, you got 2 months left, cya fuckers. i won't be pissed as much as this prolonged horseshit like harem manga with will they/won't they. i had enough nisekoi, you know.
one of those no cash dropped ever yet pissed people here.