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  1. FKG
  2. Flower Knight Girl Integration

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  1. #1

    Join Date
    Dec 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by Taon View Post
    FTFY: this game has been on life support for several months and short of a miracle, I fully expect the plug to be pulled any day now.

    Pity; I've spent about $1000 on this game and stopped once broken stuff stopped getting fixed, stuff that had no reason to be broken in the first place became so, and it became clear that the management decided to try gouging the people who were actually spending. I certainly didn't mind spending money on the game but I do object to being taken advantage of, particularly when it became difficult to see what the money was actually being spent on because it clearly wasn't going back into the game.
    I have spent my share over the years too. I agree 100%. Man you ought to try DMM even if you go FTP.

  2. #2

    Join Date
    May 2016
    I considered DMM but the language would annoy me too much - so I'm lurking here till they either shape up or close down

  3. #3
    I should have expected that spending money in this game isn't supporting the game directly, rather it's supporting "fap CEO" "Booty calls" "harem heroes" and all of those games which art style we FKG players probably don't care about
    FKG: 053232470 Strength: 479,458

  4. #4
    It would be ideal if i could transfer my progress over to DMM, but there's no chance of that happening. Even then, i'd want to read the dialogue, so i guess this is it for me. Such a shame.

  5. #5
    Drama intensifies

    FKG's DISCORD UP-TO-DATE NEWS POSTS-screen-shot-2019-05-09-7.08.12-am.png

  6. #6

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    Quote Originally Posted by unknown67 View Post
    Drama intensifies

    FKG's DISCORD UP-TO-DATE NEWS POSTS-screen-shot-2019-05-09-7.08.12-am.png

  7. #7
    Unregistered Guest
    projared fiasko and this, today's a good day for drama hounds

  8. #8

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    Quote Originally Posted by phob View Post
    I have spent my share over the years too. I agree 100%. Man you ought to try DMM even if you go FTP.
    I tried it out, and unfortunately not being able to read the language is just a deal-breaker for me.

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