Bloodsport: I think it's fair for people to have been caught off notice by this one. When it was postponed last week, nameless specifically stated that they would update us with the revised time for the maintenance on Monday, and that didn't happen. I'm not super upset by it, I'll be able to make my primary goals on the event either way, and probably most of the secondary. I probably lost out on some yellow bloom dragons (I was running that stage when maintainable hit), and I won't be able to make today's gather daily quest, but if there are a few free gems I can refill stamina and raid points and mostly catch up. Being caught in the last part of the reissue would be more concerning but anyone who has been around for a while should know that leaving buying event rewards till the last few hours is quite risky. (Advice: buy everything you can a day ahead and then as you go.)