Quote Originally Posted by naenae View Post
Personally went with Cattleya on the current. Wanted Alpinia more, a lot more, but I already managed to get Dianthus on a single pull by the time I'd unlocked all of my squads and thought more type diversity would be better for me. Doesn't seem suprising my last two 10+1 rolls have had nothing but 3* girls. Didn't start that long, though, as Dianthus at level 31 is still my highest leveled matchin Dahlia who I still feel lucky to have pulled as my guaranteed. Question, though: is it better to stick both my rainbows in my helper squad or should I mix them up for a better overall roster?
Cattleya is a very good unit who goes with about any squad.
Dianthus her strength is her healing on small pest nodes, which will prove very useful on some maps, especially farming map 12-5. If you get a girl who reduces the damage taken from small pests by 50% (Like Toad Lily, Apple of Sodom or Japanese Iris), then make sure to put her in one team with Dianthus. Those two abilities put together are really lifesavers on pest-heavy maps.

Whether you should put Dianthus and Cattleya together in one squad? Well, that's really up to you. Some of your allies will probably be happy if you do. But if you feel that having two strong squads will help you to 3-medal maps, then go for it. 3-medals means you get flowergems and other rewards, and make faster progress to maps which (on rare occasions) give ampies, which further improves your entire unit, including that helper squad.