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  2. Flower Knight Girl Integration

  1. #41
    Quote Originally Posted by Myrdin View Post
    I dont understand the mass facsination people have with Anemone. I suppose the masses need an Idol. First it was Oncidium, now it is Anemone. I wonder what started each of these girls popularity. If it was an ingame thing - like a quest, the introduction, H scene ? Or if it was pre-game setting like character creation, artstyle used to make them, voice actress, "personality" shown through the few lines of dialogue and such.

    Intriguing really, seeing as the focus of the players shifted from one single girl to another one single girl in a relatively short amount of time, rather then being scattered in between multiple girls at the same time.
    Anemone is on my wishlist because a) there aren't many pierce rainbows, b) I like her deeper voice, and c) her battle skill is both powerful and fun to watch (based on helper squads). I didn't vote for her though.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ashen View Post
    Well I'm more interested in the dialogues than in the equipment
    Same but I still would prefer they bring character quests for more commonly owned girls; adding a quest for a character I don't own brings nothing for me.

  2. #42

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    oh fuk, forgot about character quests - dat why I like Violetta Tulip and Sakura

    For dialogue, I don't remember anything else besides character quests. Events are not dat memorable :V
    Nutaku: July 2016 | Flower Knight Girl: 835228859 | DMM: 646263953 飢えたハンター

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  3. #43

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    Quote Originally Posted by kringley View Post
    Same but I still would prefer they bring character quests for more commonly owned girls; adding a quest for a character I don't own brings nothing for me.
    True but i hope we can work around this as a community. A lot of the current CQ were uploaded in the love scene thread (mostly by Corintis, praise to him!). So it would be great if others would follow suit and upload theirs as well so that not only a lucky few are able to watch them
    Last edited by Ashen; 02-05-2017 at 10:51 PM.

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  4. #44
    Quote Originally Posted by Myrdin View Post
    I dont understand the mass facsination people have with Anemone. I suppose the masses need an Idol. First it was Oncidium, now it is Anemone. I wonder what started each of these girls popularity. If it was an ingame thing - like a quest, the introduction, H scene ? Or if it was pre-game setting like character creation, artstyle used to make them, voice actress, "personality" shown through the few lines of dialogue and such.

    Intriguing really, seeing as the focus of the players shifted from one single girl to another one single girl in a relatively short amount of time, rather then being scattered in between multiple girls at the same time.
    She's my favorite girl for several reasons.

    Gameplay: She's pierce (there's a clear gap in Slice Rainbow count vs. rest), she's got Counter (THINK she's the only rainbow with this), Randomx3 skill is useful to clean up after AOE skills

    Character: Design is MUCH more conservative than some girls I won't mention, she's reserved in personality, her voice isn't the high pitched shrieking/squealing/grating-on-ears that a lot of girls have, her H Scene is her overcoming insecurity and trust issues and her overall appearance and personality just clicks with me.

    I don't think Anemone counts as particularly endowed or moe, honestly.

    Oncidium, I think it honestly was the devs pushing her so hard (in all honesty, I feel like she was over-advertised in comparison to a lot of other girls), she seems to be one of their favorite girls for sure.

  5. #45

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    (THINK she's the only rainbow with this)
    I'm not totally sure but I think Helenium have one too.

    Well, I'm not actually fan of these two but I like them 'cause they're strong. Anemone is overpowered and clearly one of the best 6* due to her skill. Just one of the best skill type imho.
    Oncidium is alsoa really good 5* and with speed boost, attack boost and HP drain skill she can be a strong pillar in almost any kind of team.
    I don't want to speak for other people but it's why I like them, more than a lot of other girls with a better design or personnality.

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