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Thread: Difficulty

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  2. Flower Knight Girl Integration

  1. Thanks for everything, guys.

    Okay, so that's 100% affection, a skill level and +9 levels for Ardisia in about 15 minutes, not too shabby.
    Cash money isn't really a problem, sure I don't have enough to evolve a 6* yet, but getting there won't unmotivating amounts of time.
    Now then, for my last real question, for now, how does this dragon system work? What dragons do I need to upgrade what tier? How do I even get dragons?

    - - - Updated - - -

    Okay, so that's 100% affection, a skill level and +9 levels for Ardisia in about 15 minutes, not too shabby.
    Cash money isn't really a problem, sure I don't have enough to evolve a 6* yet, but getting there won't unmotivating amounts of time.
    Now then, for my last real question, for now, how does this dragon system work? What dragons do I need to upgrade what tier? How do I even get dragons?

    - - - Updated - - -

    From 59K to 72K, really not too shabby, eh.
    and nevermind, looks like it has already been explained! Thanks, all.
    Last edited by Sgt Virgin Retard; 01-29-2017 at 04:09 PM.

  2. #12
    Unregistered Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Sgt Virgin Retard View Post
    Okay, so that's 100% affection, a skill level and +9 levels for Ardisia in about 15 minutes, not too shabby.
    Cash money isn't really a problem, sure I don't have enough to evolve a 6* yet, but getting there won't unmotivating amounts of time.
    Now then, for my last real question, for now, how does this dragon system work? What dragons do I need to upgrade what tier? How do I even get dragons?

    - - - Updated - - -

    Okay, so that's 100% affection, a skill level and +9 levels for Ardisia in about 15 minutes, not too shabby.
    Cash money isn't really a problem, sure I don't have enough to evolve a 6* yet, but getting there won't unmotivating amounts of time.
    Now then, for my last real question, for now, how does this dragon system work? What dragons do I need to upgrade what tier? How do I even get dragons?

    - - - Updated - - -

    From 59K to 72K, really not too shabby, eh.
    and nevermind, looks like it has already been explained! Thanks, all.

    You get the dragons from the different daily missions with different colours representing the different girls attribute for example if you want to evolve ardisia you need 5 lvl 100 purple dragons that you get from the 80 stamina mission of the friday daily. The lvl of the dragon you require depends on the rarity of the girl 6 star/rainbow require 5 lvl 100 dragons, 5 star/gold require 3 lvl 100 and 2 lvl 20 dragons etc. monday is for red dragons, tuesday is for blue dragons, thursday is for yellow dragons and friday is purple

  3. #13

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    Got a 31th ally slot right now. So, if you are interested, you can send me a friend request.
    I have a pretty solid helper squad with insane attack boost and a Kerria blowing everything on her way.
    (all the needed information for request are in y signature)

    ID: 481766521 (DMM)
    Name: maotd
    Good old memories
    10+1 roll in a nutshell

  4. Yus, thanks again, sent.

  5. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by Sgt Virgin Retard View Post
    Absolutely not, and far from it, around level 35 or so, I dunno.
    Checked, 32.

    Still though, if they deal as much damage as they do, why are they level 25? And not level 225? (Irony intensifies)

    For reals though, I'm not actually complaining, just want to get that cleared up. Asking a genuine question, that's all.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Keep in mind, I have logged in for maybe 5-6 days, where I played more than average.
    Evolution, no, as previously mentioned.
    Affection, barely started, 6* at 50%, does it matter what you give them? Like their favorites or whatnot?
    Gear, I could, but it wouldn't be any good gear.
    Tutorial, I should have, but that would be long ago.
    Just wanted to add my 2 cents, seeing that you deserve at least a non-sarcastic answer.

    This game has a curved difficulty that is somewhat exponential. This does not explain away your experience, and this is where the mechanics come in. Each character specializes in a particular role. The bugs also fall into particular classes. There is a rock-paper-scissors element to the combat, but most of it is hidden. But as Myrdin has already explained, much of this can be alleviated by leveling, evolving and equipment. It still will not erase the discrepancies that the mechanics can sometimes cause, especially with bad RNG (crits, for example)

    I have noticed when I first started that particular teams I formed would get destroyed like they were wet paper towels, but a different team would totally destroy the same group of bugs. The only thing I can suggest is to make sure you have balanced teams (although speed does become important on some maps) or that you strategically place teams at nodes if you're trying to shoot for 100% to earn flower gems.

  6. #16

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    I guess you are Nostradomus. Welcome to my FL.

    ID: 481766521 (DMM)
    Name: maotd
    Good old memories
    10+1 roll in a nutshell

  7. That is correct, much appreciated.

  8. #18
    Level and evolve units, level and equip equipment, max affection. Once you get to 15+ 5/6*s, you can worry about team synergy which helps a ton.

    Don't have my ID on-hand, but you can check the Friends List topics for it. Have a fairly synergetic team of 6*s, one of which (Anemone) is totally maxed on ampies with 3 maxed-out equips and one (Bride Orchid) is about halfway to max on ampies. They tend to one-round the pests in this event (even bosses rarely last more than 2 rounds). Note that you'll want a girl at Evolved Max to get full statistical power out of them (and any other helper squad)

  9. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by Discoceris View Post
    Just wanted to add my 2 cents, seeing that you deserve at least a non-sarcastic answer.

    I have noticed when I first started that particular teams I formed would get destroyed like they were wet paper towels, but a different team would totally destroy the same group of bugs. The only thing I can suggest is to make sure you have balanced teams (although speed does become important on some maps) or that you strategically place teams at nodes if you're trying to shoot for 100% to earn flower gems.
    Various RNG elements like evasion, pests hitting units with defense buffs vs not, crits, girls hitting matching damage type tests vs not, and skill activation can give quite a bit of variation between runs even with the same squad; differences in skills and abilities are quite different as well.
    My teams 1 and 2 are close in TP but team 1 with a lot of AOE skills does a lot better against most pest nodes on maps. Team 2 which has a lot of single pest attack skills tends to take more rounds and take more damage against the same nodes.

    Quote Originally Posted by IvanLedah21 View Post
    Level and evolve units, level and equip equipment, max affection. Once you get to 15+ 5/6*s, you can worry about team synergy which helps a ton.

    Don't have my ID on-hand, but you can check the Friends List topics for it. Have a fairly synergetic team of 6*s, one of which (Anemone) is totally maxed on ampies with 3 maxed-out equips and one (Bride Orchid) is about halfway to max on ampies. They tend to one-round the pests in this event (even bosses rarely last more than 2 rounds). Note that you'll want a girl at Evolved Max to get full statistical power out of them (and any other helper squad)
    Ivan's squad works quite well, even scaled down to level 60. It got me through a lot of tough maps earlier on, and I still use it as a helper a lot (although not when I'm trying to three medal a map usually because its a fairly fast squad).
    I'm actually keeping one of my girls pre-evolution right now just to keep my helpers at level 60 until I get one of my evolved girls up to that level.

    As a side note, clearly I have a much narrower definition of synergy than some people, because I find relatively few combinations out there that are truly synergistic.

  10. #20

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    Quote Originally Posted by kringley View Post
    As a side note, clearly I have a much narrower definition of synergy than some people, because I find relatively few combinations out there that are truly synergistic.
    Problem with the truely synergetic squads: they tend to be rather slow, which is why people (myself included) generally don't put them as helpers
    My counter squad (Hypericum, Anemone, Mirabilis and Rose for Counter, Dahlia for ATK debuff) is only 471 speed
    My trigger squad (Cymbidium, Justica, Apple and Cyrtanthus for increased trigger rate, Fritillaria to leech on all the triggers) is only 474 speed.

    On the other hand, my front tanking squad (in my signature) is mostly about being fast and small pest damage reduction/nest heal. Not really synergy, more about strategy.
    My second squad which has Dipladenia, Dogwood and some girls increasing the sun gem drop is 742 speed. It is synergetic, but not the kind people want. (many prefer to tab out and skip the solar blast thing).

    And speed is what people want for farming, not synergy. So you'll really find very few synergetic helpers around the place I'm afraid..

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