Since no one decided to make it a topic on it.
The first 3 can be found by clicking World Map -> Daily Dungeon -> Bottom 3. I haven't played in a long time but I don't recall them being too difficult though you will need to level up to clear them if you just started. Gotta finish each 5 times but you can only run each once per day. Going to guess than that's 3 separate 5★ tickets until told otherwise.
The 4th part seems to be the X-Overd event, which is right under Daily Dungeon in Limited Dungeon. I'm not sure how difficult it is but you only need to gather 1600 eggs, not clear the entire thing. Unlike the other 3 rewards, this one says 5★+, so I'm assuming you can get a 6★ from it. Just an assumption.
And lastly, log in every day bonus? Not sure what the reward is.