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  1. FKG
  2. Flower Knight Girl Integration

  1. #211

    Join Date
    May 2016
    ...Happier then my last 2

    Fir - Ok she's new but I like the girls who have the adds running around with their sprites so fine with that
    Iris number 3 - actually a girl I don't use....even with 3 equips, but hey handy still to start maxing them out

  2. #212
    Can somebody please enlighten me? In the information it says up to four 5* tickets and a special login bonus, but I only got two tickets and nothing else. What's going on?

  3. #213

    Join Date
    Sep 2016
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    Well well. I used 3 5* ticket. And got new Lupine, new Night Phlox and dupe Scarlet Tulip.
    It could be worst but it's not as good as i hoped.
    I don't really know Lupine and Night Phlox. Are they good? At least, I like Night and espacially her special skill. She can also have an utility for a second Solar Blast team maybe.

    ID: 481766521 (DMM)
    Name: maotd
    Good old memories
    10+1 roll in a nutshell

  4. Quote Originally Posted by PSthebest View Post
    Can somebody please enlighten me? In the information it says up to four 5* tickets and a special login bonus, but I only got two tickets and nothing else. What's going on?
    FUCK THIS SHIT. I'm having the same problem as you. If I had those 5-star tickets, I would at least have a chance of getting something, well, better than nothing at all. Right now I've got 2 tickets (for the 1st 2 missions) only and missing the other 2, despite completing all the missions. This is even worse than the RNG that gacha throws at me, I mean, missing tickets? Quit fooling around with me. Btw, I would suggest you send a support ticket (I already did) to Nutaku and tell them why the fuck is there a few of us who haven't received all the rewards?!!

  5. #215

    Join Date
    Nov 2016
    Welp Night is one of my Waifu candidates, thus i simply have to say that she is one of the prettiest knights in her evolved form. I only wish she whould speak a bit less about cleaning though :X. And yes this is purely subjective and should thus be avoided to say since it only leads useless debates. But where should we praise our waifus, if not here.^^
    That being said, I think she is a rather good knight, though obv not among the best. She has great stats for a 5* unit, with more than 6k attack and more than 13k hp. Since her attack stat is nice and she has an attack buff, her lifesteal isn't without value.
    I'll probably change my Solar Blast Squad in the future into the following: Night, Violet, Poinsettia, Fir and Peach. All of the units have an attack buff and increase either Solar Blast damage or increase crystal drop. Thus she surely isn't without value.

    My opion of Lupine isn't as high though. Some time ago, I did a bit of testing with crit and it seemed rather underwhelming. A normal 5* attack buff seems way better. But I heard it shall be reworked sometime in the future, so maybe she'll get better then.
    Furthermore her Hp is rather low for a 5*. On the other hand she has the usual gacha attack buff (which is usually stronger than the event attack buffs) and has an aoe ability.
    So in my opinion it's pretty much dependent of how strong the competition is, if u're deciding wheter you have use for her or not.

    My ID: 010059882
    IGN: AshenOne

  6. #216

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    Thanks for the anwers. Well, I think Night can be at least a better option than Gerbera. I'm still not decided if I should use Violet or Night...
    Lupine... meh. I have a lot of good or not bad girls and almost all work fine anyway. Another girl for my bench collection I suppose.

    ID: 481766521 (DMM)
    Name: maotd
    Good old memories
    10+1 roll in a nutshell

  7. #217

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    Nov 2016
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    find it strange da X-Overd game has more news updates even for Flower Knight Girl playas

    FKG x X-Overd Collaboration Event (2/16 - 2/23)-message.png
    Nutaku: July 2016 | Flower Knight Girl: 835228859 | DMM: 646263953 飢えたハンター

    Plays Flower Knight Girl, Aigis, Kamihime
    Dropped Harem Heroes. Staff deleted my nice reason for not spending $.

    Signature made by Myrdin

  8. Yes, I know it will be handed out on Monday which is today! So why most of the players already got their remaining tickets (proof: previous posts) and a few of us unlucky ones haven't got them yet? Unless I have to wait till the end of Monday and see whether I did receive it or not. *sighs*

  9. #219

    Join Date
    Mar 2016
    So used my last 2 tickets and got my first dupe of the tickets in Water Lilly as well as another new girl Fir.
    Would have liked that dupe to be one of the girls I will actually use for more then just nation battles but can't really complain.

  10. #220
    First two tickets i was hoping for Maple with 5+, no luck, second two, dup Rose and a Nandina.

    Nandina is a new girl. Currently have a full 5/6* line up, so dups are nice, but Rose not yet in team, and i do enjoy collecting new girl, nothing more to do. So worth the effort for x-overd imo.
    Do not mind the game, but it is a huge time sink untill i get to stage where i can run Auto run on thing and not get wiped by the boss on exp earning missions.

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