Well, I hit 50 FGs and decided to do a Yolo 10+1 pull (as in without doing normal gacha till 4* drops in it).

Didn't get a 6*, but among few 3* there were tree 5* girls and two 4*.

Pentas and Anthurium are new golds for me, and a dupe of Lantana gave me second slot and also proc'ed skill upgrade so thats nice.

Pentas is my second dodge girl after Waterlily, while Anthurium has nice stats (especially I like the speed, which should let me pass 950 with Gaillardia and Oncidium). Both of them have also quite OK'ish h-scenes.

Snowflake was a dupe 4*, but as Lantana she unlocked both second slot and proc'ed skill so RNGesus was kind in this matter.
Second 4* was Yulan, who I just like h-scene a lot (my avatar can explain quite a lot why rofl). Apart from that I care little to non about her like all other 4* and 3*.

So I think I can call that a quite nice pull.