Just an image explaining how to fill out a unit with squads of (mostly) equalized speed or ATK or whatever strikes your fancy.

1. Start with a blank team
2. Select the (default or left over from the old team) leader to change her
3. Set ordering to the stat you want to equalize. I usually pick either ATK or speed. In case of Nation Teams, set filter to the correct nation as well
4. Select the first available unit
5. Pick the squad leader slot from team 2
6. Select the first available unit
7. Snake your way up and down the unit screen like in the image below, each time filling it with the first available unit until you either reach the last slot, or run out of girls to add.

Nation Battle + Whale Ship-lilywood-setup.png

In the case of Whaleship crew (Can't wait till they add that!), you always want a capable team in the first (few) row(s), so you should setup those first, and then make the snake pattern on the remaining blank rows.