Yeah, I'm starting to see the complaints with the RNG in these later maps.

Winter Rose and Blossom Hill weren't too bad, though Blossom Hill's last map sure triggered me since Phala would NOT take the right turn a good 10+ times.

But Banana Ocean and Bergamot Valley really highlight how unbalanced the girls in both nations are.

Banana Ocean being "Hey, let's take all the fast girls AND PUT WHIRLWINDS ON EVERY MAP. Hope the player has four Dipladenias!"

And Bergamot Valley being "Hey, all of these girls are slow as shit. Let's make team order matter so much that RNG isn't just limited to teams splitting up properly, but team 1 MUST turn here, team 2 MUST turn there, etc."

Seriously, I'm considering getting like four Marigolds or something just to offset Lavender, Cosmos, Bianca Clover, Mint, Olive, Blue Lotus Canna, Cyclamenn, Mokou, Jasmine, etc. all being sub-350 speed.