Please let me know if my math is off.

  • 5800 Stars to get Sandersonia and all Blooms
  • 6000 Stars to get equipment
  • 15,000 Stars to get all 15 Ampys
  • 10,000 Stars to get all 20 Lvl 100 Manyus
  • 5,000 Stars to get all 20 Gifts

Assuming you only fight level 80 Raid Bosses for 99 Stars each, that is:

  • 59 Raid Points to get Sandersonia and all Blooms
  • 61 Raid Points to get the equipment
  • 152 Raid Points to get all Ampys
  • 102 Raid Points to get all Manyus
  • 51 Raid Points to get all Gifts

Of course, there will be Discoverer awards of Shining Stars as well to reduce the above, but fighting Raid Bosses lower than Level 80 will also increase the number of Raid Points needed.

You get 48 Raid Points a day, but need to be at your PC once every 90 minutes to use them all, so let's assume you lose 8 hours to sleep, and 8 hours to work/study and that only leaves you around 20 Raid Points a day, before considering gaining levels to get a reset of Raid Points as well.

14 days = 280 Raid Points so this going to be tough to clear everything, but Sandersonia, Blooms, equipment and Ampys are achievable if you grind and are online a lot around 8 hours a day.