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  2. Flower Knight Girl Integration

  1. #61

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    Shillbyville, Area 51
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    This new raid boss reminds me of Trump (same hair & named "The Giant")...

  2. #62

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    It depend of your teams and the girls you have but I think 220k is just not enough to 3 medals the last stage. There is two bosses in a row and they hit hard like... HARD. Even my best team full of lvl70 >110k power can die if I'm really unlucky with skill activation.
    But nothing forbbid you to try it at least once. Maybe you will be very lucky.

    ID: 481766521 (DMM)
    Name: maotd
    Good old memories
    10+1 roll in a nutshell

  3. #63
    Thanks for the heads up Maotd, that's a lot rougher than I was expecting after reading a few of the event threads.
    Might sit this one out and use those 80 Stamina on a SG now that I've been warned.

    Do those bosses happen to be weak to the Slice affinity? I have a 4 gear slot Alpinia that just got evolved and is back down to her 20s, but she could solo the 12-5 bosses with some event gear I had thanks to the Wasp's slice weakness and the bonus health she'd leech. If these bosses are both weak to Slice I might take a crack at it on the last day after some farming.

  4. #64

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    Well, if it can help, the map looks like that:
    [Event 25] Aim For the Top! (21/03/17 - 04/04/17)-map-51ef4a0.jpg
    There is three bosses at the end and you must fight 2 in a row anyway. The three main spider bosses are weak against Slice. The main true boss is in the middle, just before the Note panel.
    Maybe if you buy all the lvl100 red manyu in the shop and waitfor the next blue-red manyu map for level up your Alpinia you will be able to finish this.

    Anyway, if it can help you in term of setup I use the default positions with team speed like that:
    1: 525
    2: 480
    3: 539
    4: 670
    helper: I'm not sure for really fast/slow teams but it seems it's not important.

    The 4th team will face the boss on the right and the main boss. Helper will fight the one at the botom.
    If you have an ally enough strong (like with full high level 6* team), you can certainly do it by putting all your best units in the Alpinia's team for the boss fight (note that you will certainly fight some random pest on the way).
    In the three other teams, use units enough strong to kill the pests.
    So, good luck if you want to try it

    ID: 481766521 (DMM)
    Name: maotd
    Good old memories
    10+1 roll in a nutshell

  5. #65
    That actually helps a lot, thanks Maotd! As far as helpers go, MysticDawn was who I was planning on taking, as he's both the only forumer I've got as an ally at the moment and my strongest ally, so I'm not too worried about the ally aspect. His team is great and shout out to him for helping me grind 12-5 so easily.

    I appreciate all the tips, you've given me a hope to complete this event.

  6. #66

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    It was a pleasure. May the RNG be on your side.

    ID: 481766521 (DMM)
    Name: maotd
    Good old memories
    10+1 roll in a nutshell

  7. #67

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    Kerria can hold her own fairly well against a level 80 Giant which is pretty impressive, level 90 is out of the question though

  8. #68
    Unregistered Guest
    wow, i got 18 raid boss requests at the start of the new day, and i had no more points to spend. and most of them were phase 2 summoned bosses. so many of them are escaping because not enough people can participate. also, sometimes the summoner isn't participating, either.

  9. #69
    I'm seeing a lot of escaping bosses myself. So many of my allies aren't even attacking their own Giants, it's already become a guessing game over which of my allies are just summoning and throwing out requests and which ones are actually trying to complete raids.

    Guess it's to be expected with the raid boss being so new. Everyone's using their summoning items all at once to get the rewards ASAP.

  10. #70
    Unregistered Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Bloodsport Bloom View Post
    I'm seeing a lot of escaping bosses myself. So many of my allies aren't even attacking their own Giants, it's already become a guessing game over which of my allies are just summoning and throwing out requests and which ones are actually trying to complete raids.

    Guess it's to be expected with the raid boss being so new. Everyone's using their summoning items all at once to get the rewards ASAP.
    If there's a summoned boss, I go in the participants list to see if the summoner actually spent a raid point. And if there's already like 6-8 participants, which is usually the average number I see, and the boss still has too much HP, I assume it will escape and I will ignore it.

    If it's a mission boss, they're usually pretty easy so sometimes don't check the list and and just go ahead and join.

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