It's a game. It's meant to be something you enjoy. Play it however you see fit, so long as you enjoy it. Or rather, so long as you know your options, and understand what you're giving up by choosing one over the other. Which is presumably why this topic was made, so...

Me, I usually just save up until I have 50, then hit the priority one. It's a nice middle ground. It's not quite as efficient as the "free ticket" one, but it's always available, and acts as a reward of sorts for playing the month or so required for those gems. On the other hand, it's more efficient than then single pulls, and I'm not THAT impatient that I can't save up for a little longer for my potential shinies.

If you wanna hoard and don't mind waiting for the most efficient option, then go for it. If you want to spend them all immediately on solo pulls because you value getting things now over efficiency, go for that instead (I see screenshots on the forums periodically of people doing solo pulls so obviously some do). Either way, just be aware of what those options are - an uninformed choice that you later regret is the only real "bad" choice.